Where have I worked?

Thirty years on three continents: big industry, small industry, government, charity and academia...

2020-present Singapore Institute of Technology

2012-2019 The University of Kent, UK

2012-2015 (and 2015-present as Visiting Professor) The University of Science and Technology of China

2006-2012 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

2001-2006 Tait Electronics Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand

2003-present Mission Technologies Ltd

2002-2005 Singapore Centre for Research into Satellite Technologies

1998-2001 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

1997-1998 Philips Telecommunications/Simoco, Cambridge, UK

1991 - 1994 Her Majesty's Government Communications Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK

1994-1997 Lintech consultancy, Birmingham, UK

1987-1988,summers 1989,1990 G.E.C. Hirst Research Centre, London UK