Where have I worked?
Thirty years on three continents: big industry, small industry, government, charity and academia...
2020-present Singapore Institute of Technology
Professor, ICT Cluster
Tenured full professorship in SIT, Singapore's fifth university
2012-2019 The University of Kent, UK
& Head of School of Computing (Medway Campus)
In charge of the School of Computing based in Medway
2012-2015 (and 2015-present as Visiting Professor) The University of Science and Technology of China
Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science
and member of China's National Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing
2006-2012 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Professor, School of Computer Engineering
and one of the founding PIs of the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS)
2001-2006 Tait Electronics Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand
Principal Designer, Group Research
2003-present Mission Technologies Ltd
2002-2005 Singapore Centre for Research into Satellite Technologies
Visiting Scientist
1998-2001 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Assistant Professor, School of Computing Engineering (originally School of Applied Science)
1997-1998 Philips Telecommunications/Simoco, Cambridge, UK
Senior Engineer, Advanced Developments Group
1991 - 1994 Her Majesty's Government Communications Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK
Scientific Officer, Audio Group
1994-1997 Lintech consultancy, Birmingham, UK
Owner (sole proprietor )
1987-1988,summers 1989,1990 G.E.C. Hirst Research Centre, London UK
Research Scientist (pre-university sponsorship), Photo-Optical Laboratory